showing 43 results of 43
28 June 2020
Highworth’s videos – Business after Covid 19
During the Covid-19 lockdown, we have taken the liberty to post a series of videos touching upon contemporary topics of interest not only to corporations and companies but also to investors, entrepreneurs and individuals.
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24 June 2020
15 Changes in Events Organised by Companies and Individuals (article in Greek)
15 Αλλαγές στη Διοργάνωση Εκδηλώσεων από Επιχειρήσεις αλλά και Ιδιώτες Του Παναγιώτη Μοίρα* By Panagiotis Moiras* Συνέδρια, σεμινάρια, γενικές συνελεύσεις, παρουσιάσεις είναι μόνο ορισμένες από τις γνωστότερες εκδηλώσεις που αξιοποιούνται για επαγγελματικούς λόγους, για σκοπούς ανταλλαγής γνώσεων, εμπειριών και δικτύωσης από τις επιχειρήσεις. Υπάρχουν όμως και οι άλλες εκδηλώσεις, αυτές οι οποίες είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένες με την κουλτούρα και την παράδοση ενός τόπου. Εκδηλώσεις, οι οποίες ιδιαίτερα στην χώρα μας αποτελούν μέρος της «ταυτότητάς» μας. Οι εκδηλώσεις αυτές κατά κύριο λόγο αναλαμβάνονται με πρωτοβουλία ιδιωτών και στόχο έχουν την αναψυχή και τη διασκέδαση με αφορμή ένα χαρμόσυνο γεγονός όπως είναι
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23 June 2020
The Virus Pandemic as a Catalyst for Companies and their Relationship with Social Media (article in Greek)
Η Πανδημία ως καταλύτης στη σχέση των Επιχειρήσεων με το Κοινό στα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης Του Παναγιώτη Μοίρα* By Panagiotis Moiras* Ο τρόπος που μια επιχείρηση συμπεριφέρεται κατά την περίοδο της υγειονομικής κρίσης του Covid-19, σε πολλούς από τους πελάτες, συνεργάτες κλπ θα αφήσει βαθιά χαραγμένες μνήμες. Άστοχα και μη αποδεκτά μηνύματα ή ένα αρνητικό «ύφος» μιας επιχείρησης στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (ΜΚΔ), μπορούν να επιφέρουν σημαντικές βλάβες στην εικόνα και στο Brand (μάρκα) μιας επιχείρησης και κατ’ επέκταση στην ικανότητά της να ανταπεξέλθει με επιτυχία σε καιρούς κρίσης και αβεβαιότητας. Παρατήρησα ότι, πολλές επιχειρήσεις υποκύπτουν στον πειρασμό, αυτές τις
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17 May 2020
The firms waiting for emergency loans
Businesses are still struggling to access government-backed loans from their banks. Hina Solanki says she has had a nightmare trying to get support from her bank for her tattoo business to get through the lockdown. “I can’t pay anything. I’m living on cards. It’s extremely stressful”, she says. For the last fortnight she has been trying to apply for a £50,000 Bounce Back Loan from her bank. “But I just get error messages,” she says. “They seem to have a technical fault.” She’s not alone, even though it is nearly two weeks since the launch of the Bounce Back Loan
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17 May 2020
Launch of our newly designed website
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at After five months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on February 16, 2016. We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. As a design and innovation leader, it’s important for us to make information regarding our thought leadership, services and trends easily accessible for our current and prospective clients. We endeavor to provide our client partners with the most accurate, up-to-date information and share our knowledge and expertise in the
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17 May 2020
Vacancy: Chief Accountant (full-time position)
We are seeking to recruit an experienced and capable Chief Accountant to be their first key appointment in Cyprus. The successful applicant must be a full member of a professional accounting body (ACCA/ACA/CPA) and have strong IFRS knowledge. Key Duties/Responsibilities: Responsible for IFRS, including yearly and monthly closing process. Prepare reporting to internal and external stakeholders. Coordinate and guide group audits, communicate with external auditors and group entities. Review of and reporting on financial and non-financial information. Preparation of Financial statements and Management Accounts. Handling and overseeing payroll. Provide high quality service to internal and external clients: relevant, accurate and
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16 May 2020
Measures taken by the Shipping Deputy Ministry
In these difficult times we are facing, the Shipping Deputy Ministry has also responded and instantly took measures to support shipping companies and ship owners of Cyprus flagged ships, recognising the difficulties which have arisen and which are yet to arise due to the coronavirus outbreak. Firstly, all the Shipping Deputy Ministry remains fully functional during these times securing the timely completion of all transactions in support of the continuity of trade and the maintenance of the supply chain; a degree of flexibility will be permitted wherever this is deemed necessary. Further, we note below provisional measures taken: A. Seafarers’
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